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Forms — DRAFT

The Forms components allow authors to build rich forms that a user can submit.


Form Example


Form Configuration

General Tab

Form General Tab

Form Type

The form types allow you to select the type of form to setup.

Form Name

This allows you to update the form name. When left blank, the default value for this field is “Form”.

Hide Form Name

When ticked, this allows you to hide the form name.

Event Relationship

This gives you the option to categorize the registrants.

Event Edition Code

Use this field if you want to use a different event edition code from the one configured on the website. An event edition code is a unique code specifically provided for each event. For example, AET19DTF.

Event Edition Long Name

Provide the complete name of the event. For example, Gulf Traffic 2019.


This is where you describe the form.

Select Form End Date

Use this to set an expiry date for the form. When the form expires, it is no longer available (hidden) in the page from the website’s visitors.

Before Expiry Form Expiry

After Expiry Form Expiry

Form Prefix Code

You can use this field to add a unique prefix to identify the data from form submissions.

Thank You Page

Use this to select the Thank You page.

Payment Redirection Page

Use this to select the Payment page path.

Disable Honeypot

When ticked, this will disable the HoneyPot spam prevention.


Honeypot is enabled by default as an anti-spam measure on AEM v2 forms. Groups can optionally still add Form CAPTCHA if they require 2 types of protection.

To add captcha on your form, you need to first add Recaptcha Public Key and Private Key on the site. Please work with your Application Support Team to create this for the website.

Disable Captcha

When ticked, this will disable the Google Captcha.


Interface for ‘Disable HoneyPot’ and ‘Disable Captcha’ to be reconsidered as we cannot disable both at the same time and ‘Disable Captcha’ check-box is redundant when there is no reCaptcha component placed on the form.

Communications Tab

Form Communications Tab

Send End-User Email

When ticked, this will send an email confirmation to the registrant on form submission.

Send Marketer Email

When ticked, this will send the marketer’s notification email to the email address provided in the Mail To field.

Email Subject

Add email’s subject here.

From Address

You can specify the sender that will appear in the confirmation email.

Mail To

You can list here the recipients (marketer’s email addresses) of the information after submission.

CC Addresses

You can specify in this field the recipients (marketer’s email addresses) for CC.

BCC Addresses

You can specify in this field the recipients (marketer’s email addresses) for BCC.

Email Templates Tab

Form Email Templates

Inserting Placeholders


The form component must be in the form for its corresponding placeholder to be available.

  1. Click the ‘Placeholders’ icon as shown in Illustration 1.
  2. Select and click the placeholder as shown in Illustration 2.

Illustration 1

Illustration 2

Fields Tab

Form Fields Tab

You can add additional hidden fields with specific values to the form.

Hidden Fields


The name of the hidden field you want to add.

Default Value

You can specify a value for the hidden field.

Payments Tab

Form Payments Tab

Currency to be used for payment

On this field you can select the currency to be used for the payment.

MCAS Source Code

You can provide on this field the code to send to MCAS service to retrieve appropriate cybersource credentials.


Payment form is yet to be tested on Stage and Prod

Look and Feel Tab

Form Look and Feel Tab

This tab enables you to customize the heading tag (H2 to H6) of the form title.

Heading Element

You can select from the dropdown the header size you want to use for the form title.

Multiple Text and Separator components -

multiple text and separator components can now be added within the form container.

Button styling is now also available for Forms similar to what we have in the Button Component.



Non-standard Questions

Non-standard questions can now be set as required by going to the validation settings, ticking the required box, and placing a message.


Forms - Country of Residence 

In the country of residence component, you can now select specific countries to be removed from the list by going to it's configuration as shown in the GIF below. 

Please note that if you select a country in the Top Countries option, these countries will still be listed under the Values to tab and can still be disabled but you wouldn't disable a country you've added to the top countries or add a country you've disabled.


Sender Display Name in Forms 

You can now add Contact Display Name on AEM forms making it easier for recipients to see who the sender is. 

You can view the GIF below on how this is applied and how it works.