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The Grid component allows for the configuration and display of a multi-column, multi-row grid. It can have various sizes and combinations columns. By default the items added to a new row will fill in from left to right.


You cannot have empty cells between two columns.


Nesting of the Grid component is discourage, use a Layout Container instead, or avoid nesting when possible


Example grids


Configure Dialog

The configure dialog allows the content author to define the grid and how it will behave and appear for a visitor to the page.


The grid can be configured to display a number of variants, use the variant wheel to pick your column configuration

Grid Variants

Available Variants

  • 2 Columns (50%, 50%)
  • 2 Columns (33%, 66%)
  • 2 Columns (66%, 33%)
  • 3 Columns (33%, 33%, 33%)
  • 3 Columns (50%, 25%, 25%)
  • 3 Columns (25%, 25%, 50%)
  • 4 Columns (Equal Width)
  • 5 Columns (Equal Width)
  • 6 Columns (Equal Width)


The grid comes with a number of available styles that will be customized for your specific site and theme. You can use the styles selector to pick a style for your grid.

Grid Styles

Available Styles

  • No Gutters
  • Container Fluid
  • Space Between
  • Equal Heights
  • Inset

When to and why use the Grid component

Use Grid component if you want to display a tabulated data, an array of events that requires multiple rows, or any table-like information such as list of speakers with profile picture. However, if you only want to adjust the layout or position the elements such as from one column to two columns, the grid component is not design for such requirement. You should use the Layout Container component instead.