Vitafoods Insights Virtual Expo is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


Send a meeting invitation

At Vitafoods Insights Virtual Expo you can meet the nutraceutical professionals you have been waiting to speak to.

Reaching out to prospective partners with an effective message is a skill. Tailoring each and every one of your messages can go a long a way in fostering new business relationships. It is important to introduce yourself, be concise and state why you'd like to meet.

Below, we’ve listed a few important things to remember when contacting prospective partners so that you can make the most of every opportunity.

Less is more

Not everyone is the same, nor do they have the same business needs. With this is mind, it’s crucial to understand the importance of tailoring your request to each individual. Less is more, and it’ll be much more beneficial to send fewer, targeted requests, as oppose to sending the same message to multiple recipients. Additionally, our platform has been specifically designed with matchmaking making functionalities for laser targeting, helping to connect you with only the most relevant people.

Personalisation is key

Your “Recommended Business Leads” are exhibitors that match your preferences, so it is a fantastic place to start (or both exhibitors and visitors if you are an exhibitor". You can discover new business connections in “Find Meetings”

Taking time to research your specific contact’s interests and business area can help you tailor your message to them. Personalisation is key, and the more you know about your contact, the better your invitation will come across. Companies vary hugely in terms of their product offering and value proposition, so do your research!

An international event

Vitafoods Insights Virtual Expo is expected to draw visitors and businesses from across the world, meaning there will be a huge diversity of cultures and languages at the event. If you’re sending a request in your native language, it’s important to understand that this may not be native to the recipient and may require further adjustment.