Vitafoods Insights Virtual Expo is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


Make your visitor profile stand out

Your online profile is your digital business card, plus more. The more complete your profile looks, the better our data-driven algorithm will be at delivering optimal results.

In “About Me”, you can add more information about yourself such as your profile picture. Don’t forget to add your mobile number, so we can send you SMS reminders during the event.

To ensure the best possible experience, make sure that you fully utilise each of the tabs on the platform. The ‘My Interests’ tab should reflect the needs of your business and will enable the best possible content and business recommendations.

With so much going on at the event it can be easy to overbook your schedule. The ‘My Availability’ tab is there to help you manage your time, so make sure you keep it fully updated throughout the duration of the event. This can help you avoid missing any of our live content or that all-important business meeting. 

Make your exhibitor profile stand out

Your online company profile is your booth. To optimise your profile, it’s crucial that all the details are filled out accurately so that visitors can find you with ease. The algorithm works best when fully utilised, so this really is a key factor to consider.

Head over to the "Exhibitor Zone", followed by "Company Details" to add all relevant information relating to your company, as well as links to your website and social media page. Basically, any information you would want visitors to have access to. Your profile image is the first thing that visitors will see. Make sure that you use a good quality, eye catching image, as these can go a long way in making an impression on potential business partners.

Did you know you can now change the look and feel of your booth? In "Company profile", you will have the option to display your logo or banner carousel.

The platform also allows exhibitors to share promotional and educational documents, such as brochures, scientific papers and even videos. These will help enhance the overall experience at your virtual ‘booth’.

Next, head to "Product Showcase" to put create individual product highlight sections. These will appear under your booth listing. Don't forget to use trelevant tags to ensure users can find you when browsing the system.

Once you have completed your profile, click the lock icon to ensure no further changes are made.