We’ve gathered for you a collection of resources designed specifically for exhibitors to ensure onsite success.
We are hard at work building the Exhibitor Portal for the 2025 show!
You will be notified with the links and login information as soon as it’s ready. In the meantime, if you have any questions at all, please contact our Client Services team.
Our California-based client services team is happy to help with any aspect of the show. Email clientservices.ime@informa.com, call us at 866-267-7339 or 1-310-857-7365 outside of North America.
Sponsorship is not just an investment; it’s a strategic move to elevate your business. Our sponsors consistently achieve higher visibility, enhanced brand recognition, and increased lead generation. Get ahead of your competition in Anaheim through sponsorships at our event.
Boost your brand recognition with multiple pre-event digital opportunities.
Increase your onsite company exposure to attract more leads during the event.
Interact with attendees through various speaking opportunities.
Exhibiting companies may be approached by individuals claiming to represent our events, and promised services may not always be delivered. Please be assured that Informa Markets does not share attendee or exhibitor data with external parties. If you are contacted by companies not listed as official partners, we strongly advise caution before engaging with them, particularly with hotel agencies and attendee list solicitors. For verified vendor contact information for this event, please refer to the details provided in the Exhibitor Portal.