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Buttons and Hyperlinks

Links on Button Component

On Button component, by default, an internal link will open in the same window while the external link will open in a new window.

Links on Teaser Component

On Teaser component, by default, an internal link will open in the same window while the external link will open in a new window.

This is a Teaser title with an image with an external hyperlink

BUG: Clicking on the image opens in the same window while clicking on the title text opens in a new window.

This is a Teaser with CTAs with external hyperlinks on it

This is a Teaser title with an image and CTAs with external hyperlinks


Links on hyperlink-text in Rich-text-editor of Text and Teaser components

In the rich-text-editor of the Text and Teaser components, authors can choose to open any links in same or new window/tab.

This is a Text component. 

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'Same Tab'.

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'New Tab'.

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'Parent Frame'.

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'Top Frame'.

This is a Teaser component. 

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'Same Tab'.

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'New Tab'.

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'Parent Frame'.

This is a hyperlink with target selected as 'Top Frame'.